focusDi seguito pubblichiamo il resoconto del progetto Focus di volontariato europeo in Romania, tenutosi a Căciulata dal 1 settembre 2019 al 29 febbraio 2020.

 During 01-09-2019-29.02.2020, the activities of the project "FOCUS", contract number 2019-2-RO01-KA105-064293 financed by the European Union through the Erasmus + program, took place.

The project involved 60 young people plus 10 group leaders from 5 European organizations: Ecoworld Rhodopes Association-Bulgaria; Asociacion Juvenil Intercambia-Spain; Associazione Culturale Link - Italy; International Labor Association (ILA) – Netherlands and  the coordinator: Pro Dezvoltare DACIA (APDD) Romania.

The project was carried out with the aim of teaching young people techniques to focus on achieving their own goals of personal and professional development, in order to increase the degree of inclusion in the labor market and personal fulfillment in accordance with their own dreams and expectations.

The culmination of the project was the mobility that took place in Căciulata, Vâlcea County during 11.01.2020-20.01.2020. The mobility activities were non-formal, flexible and participant-centered. Thus, the young people have learned to channel all their energies to achieve  goals,  following personal development in order to facilitate their integration into the labor market, having as base 7 focusing techniques.

Also, it has aimed to stimulate gender equality, to eliminate discrimination and denial of feelings towards inclusion and professional development.

The results materialized in a FOCUS magazine, 6 FOCUS movies and a 1 FOCUS flash mob. On the last day of the mobility, 60 Youthpass Certificates were obtained by the young participants and 10 Participation Certificates by the group leaders.