polaccheDiamo il benvenuto ad Agata, Patrycja e Sylwia, volontarie polacche del progetto EVS "Bliżej Ludzi - Bliżej Świata". 

In collaborazione con l'associazione Europejskie Forum Młodzieży (EFM) e steranno con noi per due mesi. Conosiamole meglio!


AgataHello guys!

I’m Agata and I’m 18 years old. I’m a volunteer during the 2-month EVS project in Altamura. I just finished high-school and after (probably) the longest holiday in my life, I’m going to start studies in Wroclaw, my native city. I like music, sport and learning new things, but the most important part of my life would be people. I love talking to others, spending time with them, getting to know new cultures, learning languages – that was the main reason why I decided to take part in the project. Besides that, I’m sure I can learn many things, get to know the world better and broaden my horizons. I hope I will find out something new about myself because new experiences and challenges are a great opportunity to do that. Basically, I’d love for it to be one of the best lessons of my life.



I'm Patricia and I’m 19 years old, from Poland. I graduated from an IT high school recently and I am currently on a gap year to contribute to climate change mitigation projects involving tech, as well as to discover and learn new things. I’ll be staying in Altamura for 2 months and, here, I am hoping to discover the Italian culture from the inside, experience previously unencountered adventures, and improve my soft skills like teamwork, responsibility, and time management. The things I enjoy the most, besides IT, include mathematics, studying languages (I hope to pick up some Italian here), environmental initiatives, and traveling. I listen to music all the time: especially soul, r&b, alternative, and indie. I also love learning new things, mostly by reading various articles.


I’m Sylwia,

I’m 22 years old and I finished my studies this year. I live in Warsaw and teach foreigners Polish language. From October, I’m going to continue my Polish language and Literature graduate studies. I’ve decided to become a LINK volunteer for 2 months because I like meeting new people and working together. I like making projects with young people and I hope that I will be able to do that in Altamura.  My hobbies include traveling, making photos and learning languages, so, recently, I started learning Italian. If you’d like, I could teach you some Polish words J I think that volunteering is a life-changing adventure and I believe that my work in LINK will be a great time.