irlandaPROGETTO CHIUSO Il progetto di Servizio Volontario Europeo di breve termine "Cosàn" cerca un volontario per due mesi nella comunità di Finglas.

Finglas è un piccolo comune vicino a Dublino che attraverso il Finglas Youth Resource Centre organizza ogni estate campi estivi per i bambini e giovani della comunità. Quest'anno Link ha la possibilità di inviare un volontario interessato al lavoro con i bambini, con una minima esperienza e volenteroso ad organizzare attività di musica, arte, laboratori manuali o sportive assistendo i social worker. Il lavoro è organizzato in turni per coprire tutta la giornata del campo estivo, dalle 11 alle 22. Il volontario lavorerà 8 ore al giorno per 4 giorni a settimana. Il weekend è libero.
Il progetto inizia il 24 Giugno e finisce il 20 Agosto.

Per candidarsi serve avere una conoscenza buona dell'inglese e un'esperienza minima nella gestione di attività per bambini e giovani. Capacità specifiche artistiche/musicali/sportive saranno di aiuto nella fase di selezione.
Serve inviare il proprio CV in formato europeo con foto insieme ad una lettera motivazionale in lingua inglese all'indirizzo e-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. 

Leggi qui le informazioni dettagliate in inglese:


Each volunteer will come prepared to deliver a weekly activity on an interest based topic that will be incorporated into our summer project. This activity will be one session a week for about 2 hours. The activity can be in areas of music, arts and crafts, drama or any creative innovated ideas they may have that they can develop into a weekly workshop. The EVS volunteer will take full ownership and will be responsible for the design, delivery and evaluation of their activity project with the support of youth workers.

The EVS volunteers will also work together on a weekly cultural evening which will be a joint piece of learning for everyone involved that will incorporate the four different cultures. Volunteers will work together to provide a creative approach to develop the knowledge and understanding of the different cultures across Europe for the young people who use our service.

The EVS volunteers will also work alongside the youth workers on summer projects for the young people of the Finglas Community. This will include different activities, such as trips out and possible residential over nights. Each EVS will also be assigned one of our youth workers as their mentors.

The rest of the weekly timetable will consist in joining different activities such as sports, fun games, art and craft, cookery, music, multimedia or outside trips such as sport, adventure sport activities, mountain walking, beach. Volunteers will be matched up to their interests and abilities, which we will identify during the planning stages of the project.

• Develop awareness of the Irish culture
• Interpersonal skills
• Full ownership over a project of interest they have with the young people
• Ability to use own initiative 
• Opportunity of living and working in another country for a short period of time
• New and valuable experiences. These include: meeting new people and learning new skills, as well as connecting you to our local community.


The volunteers will take part in regular youth pass sessions where they will reflect and record through having in place a learner journal, with each participant’s names on it. Provision will be made at the end of the project for all participants to create a youth certificate.

Before the departure the volunteer will work out differnet topics with his/her  sending organization, such as: hopes and fears, job description and responsibilities, travel arrangements, rights as an EVS volunteer etc. There will also be regular Skype call meetings with the Irish Mentor. 

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