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OPEN CALL-Progetto di Volontariato Europeo di lungo termine a Vilnius presso "Atgaja" scuola per bambini con disabilità. 

La scuola per bambini con disabilità "Atgaja", cerca un volontario a partire da settembre 2018 per 8 mesi. 

Per candidarsi è necessario inviare a Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. il proprio CV e lettera motivazionale in inglese entro il 7 febbraio.

Per informazione chiamare lo 0803148080 tutti i giorni dal lunedì al venerd' dalle 9.30 alle 12.30. 

"Atgaja" è un'istituzione educativa per l'istruzione elementare e di base per bambini e giovani disabili dai 7 ai 21 anni con le seguenti malattie: paralisi cerebrale, sindrome di Down, autismo, ritardo mentale o disabilità multiple. Accanto alle attività didattiche i bambini partecipano ad attività extra scolastiche come arteterapia, artigianato, cucina e sport.

Il volontario asssiterà e sarà di supporto ai bambini, durante le lezioni e nelle attività extra scolastiche. Compiti del volontario, dopo una prima fase di conoscenza e di osservazione delle attività svolte, saranno: 

• assistere i bambini durante le lezioni;
• organizzare sotto la supervisione dello staff laboratori di artigianto, creatività, cucina, musica, sport, giochi, arte, teatro, etc; 
• partecipare e aiutare in diversi eventi e festival della scuola;
• assistere i bambini nelle attività della piscina;
• aiutare a insegnare ai bambini la lingua straniera;
• insegnare le abilità comunicative attraverso diversi giochi verbali e non verbali, attività all'aperto, workshop;
• organizzare presentazioni sul suo paese, cultura, cibo, giochi, ecc;
• andare insieme a teatro, cinema, musei;
• partecipare alle escursioni in altre città lituane;
• sviluppare un progetto personale tenendo conto delle proprie abilità e competenze.

Qui potete leggere le testimonianze di alcuni ex volontari: 

"The children in the special school "Atgaja" are all mentally disabled and many of them also physically. Their disabilities are all very different, some children are almost normal, some are totally crazy. ;) They usually need more time for learning and understanding things than "normal" children would. For me working with disabled people was quite difficult in the beginning, because it was a very new experience. You have to learn how to be respected by children, with some of them this is very easy, and with others it's very difficult. If you choose this project you have to be aware, that they don't depend on you. It's more that you are there for new inspirations and you can do your own projects easily, because the teachers will appreciate your engagement. So if you have many ideas and want the children to have a nice time with you, maybe it's the right place for you."

“When we came to Atgaja we were welcomed very nice and from the beginning until now I can say that I feel very good there especially about our responsibilities, who always help us with everything.Of course it would be better to speak and understand Lithuanian but actually it is ok to communicate with the children without. Also you will learn vocabulary while being in the lessons. To make your work more diversified you should take the initiative and just try to do some things with the children after lesson.

„In my project 'Atgaja' my main task is being in the class during the lessons, assisting the teacher and helping the children with writing, counting, drawing, etc. Above lessons like maths, music or general knowledge, the children have physical training, ceramics, handicraft lessons and cooking. Every Wednesday we go, together with a teacher, with the children to the swimming pool, where I help with changing clothes, doing exercises and playing with the children. I'm helping while and with eating, and to pay attention that the children don't play with their. After the lessons I play games with the children, make puzzles, jump around with them, we dance, or when the weather is fine we go with them for a walk. Sometimes there are nice and interesting activities and events at school, for example a Christmas show, a healthy food day or a theatre play, which not only entertains the children :) I also made some small activities with the children, such as baking cookies while the Christmas time, making an advent calendar together or doing some handicraft. Together with another volunteer, I presented one of our Christmas traditions. “