bandiera spagnaPossibilità di SVE di un mese dal 7 giugno al 7 luglio 2018 durante i giochi del Mediterraneo a Tarragona in Spagna. Disponibili 3 posti per l'Italia.

Per candidarsi è necessario inviare il proprio Cv e lettera motivazionale in inglese a Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. entro e non oltre il 20 febbraio. Per informazioni chiamare lo 0803148080. 


Mundus Association is looking for participants aged 18-30 years old for a LArge Scale EVS event for 1 month in Tarragona, during the Mediterranean Games 2018. We will have 3 participant per partner organization (21 partners from all over Europe, Asia and Mediterranean Africa).

Here the list of eligible countries:



United Kingdom
















Evs MeGa

Thursday, June 7th, 12pm to Saturday, July 7th, 10am



Profile of candidates:

-Young volunteers (18-30 years old)

-Able to communicate in English or/and Spanish.

-A motivated, sociable, proactive, open-minded, tolerant, creative, self-reliant person.

-Someone who has no problems with sharing an apartment / bedroom with other volunteers.

-With competences and willingness to work in non formal education environmentt in contact with young people.

-Medium/high competence in IT.


- Support Visitors

Collaboration in the production and distribution of accreditations for all the personnel

involved in the Games; Help in attending the different groups that will attend the Games and will be involved in the Games: visitors, delegations, Mediterranean Family, VIPs, sponsors, press and volunteers; General information: access control, accommodators, support dining /provision, delivery of uniforms, accompaning personalities and so on will be carried out according to the corresponding group.

 - Accommodation

Help in the different accommodation places where both athletes, families, press and

special guests are hosted:

- Vila Mediterrània,

- Vila de Jutges,

- Press hotel,

- Hotel of the Mediterrània Family.

Information point and general support from arrival to the end of the visitors stay.

Solution of problems and management of eventual crisis


- Protocol and Ceremonies

Collaboration and support in assisting guests

Accompanying and informing Important Guests

Contact with authorities attending the different spaces: boxes, VIP zones.

Support at the opening and closing ceremonies.

Collaboration in rewards (carriers of medals and flag hoists).