Last minute!!! Pubblichiamo TRE call urgenti, con progetti in Slovenia, Lettonia e Lituania. Il primo di 12 mesi con partenza 2 aprile, il secondo di 8 mesi con partenza 1 marzo, il terzo di 6 mesi con partenza il 1 marzo!
Youth centre Brežice, Slovenia is looking for 2 volunteers (approved project) that are interested in all kind of art, music, theatre, multimedia, non fromal education acitivties, to work with kids and youngsters, to empower young people for active participation and are eager to learn and to get new experiences.
Activity starts 2nd of April for 12 months.
We are looking for one volunteer from Portugal and one from Italy. Deadline for applications: 20.2.2018 (Cv and Motivation letter). More details here.
Hello dear volunteer to be !!!
We are searching for 1 volunteer from ITALY or PORTUGAL!!!
For approved 8 months EVS project in Ventspils Jauniešu māja and in wonderful Latvia.
Project activities start as soon as possible (1.march)
If you are interested please fill out these form:
Check the vacancy here:
Progetto in Lituania a Kaunas per 6 mesi con partenza il 1 marzo con attività legate all'arteterapia rivolta ai degenti negli ospedali e agli scolari. Maggiori dettagli scaricando l'infopack.
We have applied the Ebru art as a therapeutic and educational tool in the following activities: - education and training sectors. Since four years we have been implementing the non-formal education project “Ebru Art – painting on the water” - medical institutions. We work with medical institutions and rehabilitation centers. We apply Ebru art therapy for the children and the adults with disabilities and cancer - self-expression. We organize artistic expression studio in summer time in different towns in Lithuania. We also organize day camps and an individual week camp for children aged 6-14 years in the region of Neringa - events. During the last three years on the 1st of June we have been organizing a traveling Republican social event "A Colorful Hope”. We promote and apply Ebru art technology in various town festivals, bands, presentations, community meetings, corporate events, seminars for teachers, nannies, students, family celebrations (birthdays, christenings, hen parties, class meetings), etc. - social projects. Since four years we are applying Ebru art in the social action "For the colorful and fair childhood”. We are always looking for partners, volunteers and sponsors
Il candidato ideale deve manifestare interesse per la tematica del progetto e avere una conoscenza di base della lingua inglese. Per candidarsi è necessario inviare a
Per informazione chiamare lo 0803148080 tutti i giorni dal lunedì al venerd' dalle 9.30 alle 12.30.