Nel mese di Maggio stiamo accogliendo due giovani volontari provenienti dalla Francia, inviati dal nostro partner AAAMI. Un mese pieno di esperienze diverse e arrichenti.
Qui di seguito leggete il testo scritto da Amine e Anaelle.
Hello, I’m Amine, I’m 23 years old, volunteer from France. Today I’m here to share with you some experiences that I have got from my ongoing voluntary. I’m volunteering for two weeks in a small wonderful city in the south of Italy, called (Altamura). In these two weeks, I have learned many things.
I have participated in the event of Youth Exchange, which took place from 5th to 12th May 2024 in Altamura. This event brought together youth from different countries in Europe, such as: Estonia, Bulgaria, Georgia and Spain. During this event, the young people exchanged their cultures, local foods, living conditions, their way to find a solution to a specific problem and so on. I met new friends, we played soccer together, ate and shared memorable moments. At the beginning, I felt so nervous and frustrated because I don’t know how to speak the local languages (Italian, Spanish…). Listening people who speak a language that you don’t understand, it’s so embarrassing. But that feeling motivated me and made me curious to challenge myself and learn those languages. Now I have the beginner’s level who can greet people and respond to their greetings. In few months later I will speak fluently Italian and Spanish and they’ll be my 5th and 6th languages.
This volunteering helped me also to improve my English skills, develop my interaction with people and I feel confident when I talk with them. I have never spoken English too much like I do now since I started learning it. For example, with my colleagues, flat mate we speak only English. We understand each other and they are very nice.
I discovered Italian food, like Pizza, pasta, focaccia that I liked too much. I liked also Italian characters and moods. For example, they walk slowly, not riding too much bicycle, their fantastic coffee, they don’t drink cappuccino in the evening etc.
This volunteering is my greatest adventure of all the time, and it changed my point of view. I’ll be the history teller about it to my friends, family and colleagues.
Amine :)
Je me présente, Anaelle, volontaire pour un mois auprès de l’association Link.
Actuellement à la moitié de mon séjour, j’ai pu voir et faire diverse chose durant ces 17 jours.
J’avoue avoir étais un peut surprise des tâches effectuées la première semaine : trier les livres, nettoyer le jardin… ce n’es pas vraiment ce que j’avais imaginé en venant en Italie.
Mais c’est avec l’avènement du projet CREW 2 que mon volontariat a vraiment commencé pour moi.
J’ai eu la chance de faire la cuisine auprès de Giuseppe, el cuoco, et prendre beaucoup de photos (deux de mes passions).
J’ai réellement apprécié capturer toutes ces émotions avec mon appareil et créer de jolis souvenir pour les personnes participants à cet échanges international.
Concernant le travail au sein de l’agoratheque, il n’y à malheureusement pas toujours grand chose à faire. À nous de trouver comment nous occuper (comme en apprenant l’italien).Mais les personnes de l’association ainsi que les autres volontaires sont vraiment sympathique ce qui permet de passer de bons moments. J’ai fais plein de belles rencontres et j’avoue ne pas être pressé de rentrer en France.
I volontari svolgono un progetto di volontariato grazie al finanziamento del Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà, assegnato all'associazione Link dall'Agenzia Italiana per la Gioventù.