0V3A0663"Harvest and Seed" The Harvest and Seed project is a professional development activity organized by the Link association and was carried out in Altamura from January 29 to February 3, 2024.

The activity was aimed at organizations accredited by the Erasmus+ program. The project brought together about 30 youth workers from different countries including: Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, France, Estonia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Croatia. Together with them we deepened the challenges experienced in the last year of programming and built new ideas for the future.

The meeting had the following objectives:

  • Assess the progress of projects implemented in 2023
  • Strengthen initiatives to disseminate results
  • Consolidate partnerships and improve the quality of projects
  • Plan new initiatives under the KA1 and KA2 actions
  • Share the strategic plan for 2024

We invite you to watch the video made by our long-term volunteer Mihajlo Marinković who supported the activities.

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