Continuano gli update sui nostri volontari accolti presso Link nel 2017.    mese: Ottobre

MaevaCiao! Mi chiamo Maëva e ho 21 anni. In Francia sono una studentessa. Vorrei diventare insegnante di scuola primaria, per questo devo passare un concorso (che proverò di passare ad aprile :). Nella vita amo trascorrere del tempo con la mia famiglia e gli amici. Sono una persona positiva che ama sorridere alla vita e trasmetto la gioia della vita. Mi piace anche fare sport che compensa il fatto che sono molto "gourmade". Ma quello che mi piace soprattutto è viaggiare, è questo che mi ha portato ad Altamura. È importante nella vita aprirsi agli altri, scoprire nuovi orizzonti, imparare nuove lingue... Ho avuto la possibilità di viaggiare spesso nella mia vita (Guiana, Spagna, Inghilterra, Tunisia, Irlande, Turchia, Italia "il megliore alla fine ahah") e credo che questa sia una delle esperienze più gratificanti. Sono qui per due mesi, spero che sarò in grado di imparare le basi della lingua italiana (sì perché ora google mi aiuta molto). Mi auguro anche di migliorare il mio inglese vivendo questa esperienza con altri volontari.

Rimane solo vivere questi due mesi a fondo! ! ! Ciaooo
L'associzione di invio di Maëva è AAAMI, che ha sede a Grenoble. Leggete qui: 


Io sono Ayse, di Izmir,Turchia.Io ho ventidue anni.Io studio economia e legge.Io ho dei passatempi.Primo, Io amo ballare le danze populari. Io gioco a pallovola .Io amo cantare con i mieci amici ma mia voce e orribile.Mi piace ascoltare la musica house.Music means life to me like dancing does.I am here in Altamura for 2 months.This is my 3rd day yet and I liked the city.But to be frank it feels like I own the city since it is very small:) I am here for making an impact as much as I can, making some new friends from different cultures, wanna learn something from each of them.I also want tot improve my Italian, obviousy I have to and it will not be that hard since everybody is speaking in Italian.Being a volunteer is something that you give from yourself while you get more indeed.

Well, can't wait to make my days countable! Ciao!
Volunteer sent by Yasar University


Ciao! My name is Beyza and i am an International Relations student from Turkey. I just finished my first year in college. When i found out about EVS, i tried to apply to every project available. I was chosen for the Altamura project. I got very excited when i found out that i was accepted. I started to think about the things i would need to go to Italy. First i got my passport since this would be my first time abroad then i got my visa after a month of trying.


 I wanted to record every aspect of this journey so i made a little journal for myselfy where i could write my thoughts about the places i've seen and the people i've met. I've written 2 full pages even before i've started my traveling. 
I was very excited to see how the plane ride would be and how long would it take for me to arrive to Altamura. On the 2nd of August my journey started. It took more than a day for me to come to Altamura. It was tiring and hard but it payed off once i saw the apartment we were going to stay in for two months. The apartment is great, i have a small room all to myself. The walls and the ceiling is painted pink and the floor is blue which makes the room even more fun. 
Soon i met most of the other voulnteers and some people from the staff. They are all nice and understanding. Now that i've settled in my primary goal is to learn some Italian phrases. I am hoping to meet more people, see more places. I've always wanted to go abroad and see other cultures, now thanks to Yaşar University, EVS and Link i can make my dreams come true.


Ahoj! My name is Veronika. I am 20 years old and I am from Slovakia. For next 4 months I will stay in Altamura and participate in activities of Link. I just have finished my secondary bilingual grammar school and continue at university to study Law. In my free time I love listening music, reading books, meeting new people. My passion is history and art. I take this opportunity because I love travelling and one of my top destination was Italy ,and of course, I want to improve my English and learn Italian. Altamura is a beautiful city and people here are very nice. Link provides great service for youth and I am proud to be a member of their team. I am sure this will be one of the greatest experiences in my life. Ciao Veronika
June 2017 - September 2017

Volunteer sent by Keric.  


Oggi, inizio luglio 2017, vi presentiamo Tarki e Alexandr arrivati dal Sud della Francia. inviati dal nostro partner di Marsiglia "Eurocircle".


Hey je m'appel Tarki je suis née a mayotte une île qui ce trouve dans l'oceans idien
j'ai grandi a la reunion j'ai es origine malgache et mahorais
et maintenant j'ai 23ans et je vie en france de puit 8ans a marseille
ma passion c'est le foot le sport mon club favoris et L'OM pourquoi ? Bin parsque je vie a marseille
J'aime beaucoup d'ecouvrir des nouvel cultur et langue j'aime pas écrire c'est pour sa qu'il y a pas beaucou de lignie alors si tu veut me connaitre et que tu parle français ou italien lentement appel moi gros;)

La foto rappresenta Tarki durante un progetto in Romania l'anno 2016. 
Volunteer sent by Eurocircle - Marseille




Et si je vous racontais une histoire, celle d'un homme mystérieux, voulant secrètement devenir acteur de cinéma ? Cela vous interèsse ? Et bien dommage pour vous je ne suis pas cette personne...

Non, plus sérieusement, je vais plutot vous raconter l'histoire d'un jeune homme de 23 ans plein d'ambition et pour qui la vie prend une tournure interessante.

L'Italie ... personne n'aurait imaginé une seule seconde que cette homme se retrouve ici, et encore moins a Altamura. Lui qui vit dans cette petite ville française de la cote
d'azur, qui fait rever le monde entier. Pourquoi partir de Cannes? On peut facilement penser que vivre la-bas est une chose exeptionnel, mais détrompez vous. TOUT la-bas l'incite a partir, comme si il n'était pas à sa place. Comme si, pour lui, voyager et decouvrir d'autre culture était une evidence.

Il est a un moment de sa vie ou il commence déja à regretter ses années gachées à la FAC de Science. Où il n'a qu'une seule envie, celle de découvrir le monde.
Il est curieux de nature, passioné de football ( qui est très rare pour le souligner ).

Amoureux du foot allemand ( Olé jetzt Kommt der bvb !!!!!); vivant en France; désireux d'etre bilingue en anglais; très attiré par les espagnoles et italiennes; ayant des  origines polonaise ( yeux bleue y'a rien de mieux ). Il adore les films et séries americianes, la nourriture chinoise et mexicaine. Vous serez d'accord avec moi pour dire qu'il a tout compris a la mondialisation !
Ah et au faite, si vous ne l'aviez pas encore compris, cette personne c'est moi Alexandre... un prenom dérivé dans toutes les langues, Alessandre, Alexander, Alexandr, Aleksandre, Alexandru etc ... Si ça c'est pas le destin !

Volunteer sent by Eurocircle - Marseille.

Grazie al progetto di Collaborazione inter-continentale Link 2 Continents sono arrivati, per il mese di Luglio e Agosto 2017, Aulia e Afifa provenienti dall'Indonesia, dal partner Dejavato.
Leggete più info sul progetto qui.

Halo! My name is Afifa Setya Himawati. I am from Indonesia. My hometown in Semarang. Semarang is the capital city of central java province. In dry season the city was very hot. The temperature can be until 40 degree. Though the weather was so hot but I very like this city. I grow up and study in here. I am 21 years old and I am a students in Semarang State University. This year is my last year in University. In may 2017 I was do my final project to finish my study and in next September 2017 I will have graduation party. I am so excited for my graduation party yey J. My hobby was swimming. In my freetime I listening music, watching movie and reading some book.

I like to doing voluntary program. My first voluntary program was in Vietnam. I taught English in public school for two months. I very like to do that kind of thing. That’s why I want to doing voluntary program again. Now I join the EVS of the  Erasmus+ program realized by the organisation Associazione Culturale Link in Italy within the project “Link2Continents” for two months.

Who doesn’t know Italy? I have never imagined that I would have  the chance to go to Italy. I was freaking out and happy at the same time. Italy is definitely more than my expectations. Altamura is such a great city. One thing that got me more excited is that I can met another volunteer from diverse countries. They were so nice and friendly, so were the staffs of Link.

Im sure I will learn a lot of new things here and this year will be the great with this experience.

Terimakasih. Grazie. Thank you.


Ciao! My name is Aulia Denaya, I am 18 years old. I come from Indonesia, an archipelago country with abundant amount of tourism attractions. I live in Salatiga, a small city with multicultural society that located in Jawa Tengah, in Pulau Jawa (Central Java, in Java Island), one of 4 big islands that Indonesia has. 


Currently, I am enrolled as the first year undergraduate student at the Study Program of Non Formal Education (Pendidikan Luar Sekolah) Universitas Negeri Semarang.

During this summer, from 1 July to 1 September 2017 I will stay in Altamura, Italy to do some volunteering projects and programs with Link Association. I have been dreaming to have an experience in overseas since I was in my elementary school. The experience abroad which I tend to pursue is the activity which is not only for travelling but also to engage and mingle around with the people in the social activities. In my humble opinion, by joining the European Voluntary Service, I will gain the experiences and improve my soft skills, especially in time management, teamwork, integrity, flexibility, communication, responsibility, and work ethics.

A few years ago, my friend ever asks me these questions “if you have a chance to go somewhere, which places do you want to go?” and I’m immediately answer “somewhere in Europe!” and see, now I’m in Italy!

I am the kind of person that believes in dreams, and one of quotes in Bahasa Indonesia says “Hidup berawal dari mimpi” it means life begins when you have a dream, because everything started there. I believe that as long as you can dream it, it’s possible to you to reach it.

So, this is my “Everything’s first time”, because it’s my first time to joining a voluntary program, the first time for me to going abroad, and also Italy is my first European Country that I visit.  I’m sure that this is going to be one of the best experiences that I will have in my life!

Anche presso gli enti locali, coordinati da Link, ci sono nuovi volontari.
Alla cooperativa Auxilium ci sono due volontari: Paulina e Léa.

Ciao! Sono Paulina, vengo dalla Polonia. Sono ad Altamura seconda volta, prima sono stata qui l’anno scorso ma solo un mese,  partecipando al Federicus Festival. Il mio progetto attuale durerà 6 mesi e mi occuperò del lavoro con persone con disabilità, presso la cooperativa Auxilium.  Il soggiorno ad Altamura mi darà l’opportunità per imparare cose nuove, conoscere persone, migliorare il mio italiano e inglese. Spero che questi mesi siano belissimi.
Ho finito l’Università per lettere classiche a Toruń in Polonia. Sono innamorata dell’ Italia, mi piace la lingua, la cultura, il cibo… quasi tutto. Mi piace ritornare qui quando posso.
Paulina è stata inviata da EFM Polonia