cervL'Agenzia Esecutiva EACEA ha approvato il nuovo progetto proposto da Auryn sul tema della memoria di cui Link è partner.

Il progetto, che vede la partecipanzione di organizzazioni da Italia, Francia e Spagna, mira a creare un network di organizzaizoni giovanili per recuperare la memoria che rischia di essere dimenticata, attraverso testimonianze dirette di eventi che hanno carattrizzato la storia recente dei paesi coinvolti. Per la parte relativa all'Italia, l'associaizone Link lavorerà in collaborazione con l'Associazione Campo 65 che è impegnata da anni nel recupero delle testimonanze relative all'omonimo sito.

Di seguito un abstract del progetto, finanziato nell'ambito del programma CERV, Citizens, Equality, Rights anc Values:

The project - REFORE NETWORK: Youth network for Recovering the Forgotten Remembrance - will launch a transnational network promoting the European Forgotten Remembrance, giving value to testimonies, people, places and events that should not be forgotten and that have a great value for the European democratic remembrance. When we speak about European Forgotten Remembrance, we use the word "forgotten" to emphasize that there are fewer and fewer spaces for youth, mainly in the areas of formal and non-formal education, dedicated to talk about the origin of the European Union and European values ; what the totalitarianisms, Fascism, Nazism and Francoism were and are; what it means to be anti-fascist; what the Holocaust is (causes, consequences and current implications); the greater danger of hate speech and of the importance of social activism in favor of Human Rights and of preserving our European historical remembrance. REFORE NETWORK will focus especially on the youth collective, since we believe that it is essential that one of the missions of European youth is to search, question and soak up all the stories of the past in order to understand their origins, forge their identity and project a more just and democratic future. It is important that youth rebuild a collective remembrance, being protagonists of this reconstruction and of its living memory as main actors of the European present and future. The project will generate spaces for reflection, learning and historical analysis that analyze and highlight the resistance and/or organized opposition to totalitarian regimes, also trying to dignify the victims. We will carry out research and learning actions at a local and transnational level that will help us achieve the objectives of the project. Auryn Association (Spain), Associazione Link (Italy) Intercultura (France), Aequalitas (Portugal) and La Vibria (Spain) will be the entities that will form the consortium of this project. The project will last 24 months.