alternanza5 studenti del Liceo linguistico Federico II ad Altamura, spiegano il loro progetto di alternanza scuola lavoro presso Link.

Loro sono Lorenzo, Annamaria, Giuseppe, Arianna e Grazia, e hanno tra 16 e 17 anni, e stanno facendo un progetto di 3 anni in collaborazione con l'associazione culturale Link. La loro classe è divisa in 4 gruppi di 5 studenti, ogni gruppo va all'associazione una settimana per volta  (nel mese di dicembre 2016 e Marzo 2017). Questo progetto dà loro una prima visione del mondo del lavoro, e anche, il funzionamento di un'associazione culturlae. In questo momento sono al loro secondo anno, che ha come obiettivo di comprendere e creare un progetto europeo con la Link. Il primo anno, l'obiettivo è stato il lavoro di gruppo durante il quale hanno organizzato un evento in piazza Duomo ad Altamura per la giornata dell'Europea, con diverse attività attorno al tema dell'Unione Europa.

Ciò che hanno imparato è lavorare in gruppo, creare un curriculum in formato europeo, sviluppare le conoscenze linguistiche e apprendere nuove culture attraverso i volontari. 

Gli studenti hanno fatto delle interviste a due volontari presenti a Link in lingua inglese, che non parlano bene italiano, sull'esperienza dello SVE.

Intervista a Monika:

We are two girls from the Liceo Linguistico from Altamura and we are part of the 4a C class.

We made an interview to a volunteer from Poland. Her name is Monika, she is 26 and she’s in Italy from this July.

She had no idea of what doing in her country because she had a boring job in a bank, because she studied economy at university, and she wanted to take a break to understand what kind of future career she will decide.

So, thanks to her last experience with the EVS in Turkey, she decided to take part again in a new one.

Probably she decided Italy as her destination also for the warm weather.

In fact, when she arrived it was July and it was hot, so she was really fine.

We: “what is the thing you miss most from Poland?”

Monika: “Of course I miss my family and my friends, but not so much. We are really close to our families but not like Italians use to.”

We: ”And, about Italy, what will be the thing that you will miss most?”

Monika: “Probably coffee, because here coffee is really good and cheap, you can find it everywhere and it’s almost good in every place.”

We: “what about the most beautiful place in Italy?”

Monika: “well, I travelled in Italy from Milan to Lecco, and I’m still thinking the best thing is the sea. I loved it.”

We: “what about Italian people?”

Monika: “as you know, we consider Italian people sociable and nice. Anyway, more than us!”

We: “You will pass this Christmas without your family because you are leaving on 26th of December. How do you feel about it? And what are the typical things you do or you eat during this festivity?”

Monika: “well, I never spend a Christmas without my family, but I’m not so sad about that. It’s just a different way to spend it. Usually we are used to eat a lot on 24th of December, but just with the closer one. We are used not to eat meat, in fact we eat fish and soup. Soup is like pasta in Italy. The taste of the soup change from country to country in Poland. We are used to eat it with vegetables, as beets, and mushrooms.

Anyway, on 25th of December we eat with all our relatives and we are used to eat 12 different kind of fish to celebrate the 12 months of the year.

We use to eat on 26th too, but is something smaller.”

We: “nice! We are used to eat a lot too!

Thanks for your attention, good luck for your future!”

Annamaria Moramarco, Arianna Ventricelli, 4 C 


Intervista a Marko:

 We are the guys of 4c of “LICEO LINGUISTICO FEDERICO II DI SVEVIA” and we interviewed Marko, one of the volunteers of “Link”

What is your name?

-I’m Marko

Where are you from?

-I’m from Slovenia

How old are you?

-I’m 22

Why did you choose to do this experience?

-I chose to do this experience because I wanted to go abroad and because I met some volunteers where I lived, and they had fun.

How long will you stay here?

-I’ll stay here for other 6 months

Do you like Altamura?

-yes, I like it.

What do you like most of Altamura?

-I like everything. I’ve met some people and I skate with them. I also like the different time table of normal life.

What don’t you like of Altamura?

- The fact that you don’t eat pizza in the morning.

What do you usually do here?

-I work for Link, and I also eat pizza and I try traditional drinks.

How did you find out about this project?

-I met some volunteers in my country and then I met people of my sendig organization in Sloveia, and they told me about this project in Italy.

Is this your first project?

-no, I came in Italy in June with a youth exchange in Sicily.

What is the difference between Slovenian and Italian people?

-Italian people are more sentimental than Slovenian one.

How do you spend your free time in Altamura?

-I spend my time making activities with other volunteers or skating or visiting other cities near Altamura.

Do you miss Slovenia?

-I don’t miss Slovenia as country but I miss my life there.

 Lorenzo Loizzo, Grazia Delvecchio, Giuseppe Ninivaggi 4 C