DEMOCRACYLink è partner di un progetto di scambio giovanile che si svolgerà in Polonia dal 17 al 22 giugno. Link seleziona 4 partecipanti  (età 16-19) e uno youth leader (+21). Inviare la candidature attraverso il modulo specificando il titolo del progetto (Get your ACT together).


The project "Get your ACT together" intends to bring young people like us together with one goal: to raise awareness of the power of change we can have if united.
We want to achieve this goal by focusing on youth civic engagement, providing a basis for policy discussion, delivering tools/practices to tackle and respond to different social injustices, and enhancing intercultural awareness.

According to the European youth forum reports, it has also been acknowledged that many young people have been disappointed with policies aimed at youth, leaving them out of the conversation.
Why? What are the barriers to youth participation? What lays behind this disconnection? We believe that involving youngsters in addressing their issues creates a more democratic society.
Therefore, this project was built so that youngsters from the most diverse backgrounds and with the most varied ideas come together and share thoughts and tools that we can use according to our needs and the needs of our communities and become more active citizens.
Moreover, our project aims to reinforce European values such as democracy, equality, pluralism, solidarity, amongst others, by

a) including a plurality of countries with different cultures,
b) emphasizing direct participation and the understanding of democratic processes,
c) highlighting multiculturalism and
d) raising awareness about the situation in Europe and worldwide.

Topics: Awareness About The European Union; Democracy And Inclusive Democratic Participation; Youth Policy Development

Participating countries: Poland; France, Greece, Italy and Portugal

Number of participants: 4 youngsters plus 1 group leader

Age of the participants: 16 to 19 years old.